ありがとう。 Thank you. 고마워요.
` このたび私は沖縄を離れ、故郷である東京に戻りました。沖縄で新しく出会った皆さん、今までありがとうございました。東京からいつも応援してくださった皆さん、感謝しています。
I just wanted to let you know that I have left Okinawa and returned to Tokyo where I come from. I would like to thank to those whom I made friends with in Okinawa, and to those who always cheered me up from Tokyo and elsewhere.
어떤 사정때문에 인제 오카나와를 떠나서 고향인 토쿄로 돌아왔습니다. 오키나와에서 만난 여러분, 지금까지 도와 줘서 고마워요. 토쿄(나 한국)에서 항상 응원해준 여러분, 감사해요.
평소처럼 퇴근해서 집으로 돌아가는 길에 들렀더니... "이... 이럴 수가...!" 지금까지 내 생활을 지원해줬던 이 가게가 없어질 소식은 너무나 갑자기 왔다. 고마워요, 유니언.
Dropped by at my neighborhood Union on my way home from work just as usual. The only thing that was NOT as usual was the fact that there was this sign that read the store would be closing soon due to the opening of another branch which is a lot larger but quite far from this small yet cozy branch with friendly workers. Thank you, Union.
うさぎ 토끼 rabbit
아침에 집을 떠나려고 문을 열리면 토끼가 앉아 있지. 토끼!?
As I opened the door of my apartment in the morning, there was this little rabbit sitting in front of me. Luckily I got to my work place, but not Wonderland: I reported it saying, "It's definitely the most unexpected thing that I have encountered in Okinawa. I don't think I'll see anything more surprising than this." Having heard that, Ms. T responded, "Well, you'll never know." Was that a rabbit you released?
辛いもの好きご用達 for spicy food lovers
These are some souvenirs from China, which will probably go well with beer. When you eat them, sweat comes down your face: they're good, though.
ごまたまご Goma Tamago (Sesame Eggs)
東京名物「ごまたまご」です。今日、この「ごまたまご」を巡って、ある奇妙な事件が起こりました。それは、またの機会に。 This is a "Goma Tamago" (literally "sesame egg" but it's an egg-shaped cake using black sesame) which is one of Tokyo's specialty souvenirs. There was a strange incident (or "case") related this Goma Tamago. Let me tell you what it was when there is a chance to.
台湾のお菓子 Taiwanese Cakes
職場に差し入れされた、台湾のお菓子です。すあまのような餅の中に、あんが入っています。まーさん。These are some Taiwanese cakes (a kind of rice cake with sweet pastes inside) brought to my workplace. Yum.
つけ麺 Dip-Ramen
お雑煮(ぞうに)II Ozoni II
こちらも関東風。焼いた角もちと、おすましです。This one is olso in Kanto style with grilled square rice cake in clear (without miso) soup.
おもしろ看板(5) Funny Street Signs (5)
「ごぅぐち ひゃーぐち」というのは、悪口をやたらと言うことのようです。うちなんちゅに聞きました。"This is Maehara Kitaguchi (North Gate) area. Let's not call names badly. [gohguchi: bad-mouthing in Okinawan dialect]"
おもしろ看板(1) Funny Street Signs (1)
ついつい見入ってしまいます。 One of the street signs in my neighborhood. They do take my eyes and breath away while I'm driving.
おもしろ看板(2) Funny Street Signs (2)
「お年よりはいたわろう 空手は板割ろう」
"Let's care about (itawaru) elderly people. Let's break boards (ita waru) with karate."